I don’t care if he was joking. The Donald proclaiming himself “The Chosen One” to deal with China on the same day he tweeted this about himself:
Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2019
….The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2019
So …… the only reason he was making a state visit was to do a little Trump-style real estate wheelin’ and dealin’ ???
I promise not to do this to Greenland! pic.twitter.com/03DdyVU6HA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2019
More likely he didn’t want to compare “crowd” sizes with Obama who will visit Denmark in September. He knows he can’t measure up. This is just so nucking futz there’s no place to start. Did he plan on giving the people of Greenland a voice in the matter, or just whip out his Deuchebank Visa card and toss it at the Prime Minister of Denmark? He called her “nasty” today because she expressed understandable alarm at the idea that this toddler wanted to buy a country. And he wasn’t kidding around.
Seems like he’s gone extra-crispy lately on Twitter and in public. Since we no longer have press briefings, he wanders out to the tarmac and shouts at reporters, usually while sweating like a stuck pig. This is also pointless because he contradicts himself every day – sometimes in the same day.
Background checks? We need them! No wait, we have them! They are working!
Trade Wars are Good! There is no Trade War! The trade war is working!
The economy? Stronger than ever! The FED is ruining the economy! The media is causing a recession! There is no recession!
We are cutting payroll taxes! Payroll taxes will remain the same! No one said we are cutting payroll taxes!
Why does the press bother to show up? Is it just for the freak value at this point? They can’t take him seriously. Clearly we’ve slipped so far down the rabbit hole we’ll never see daylight again. Not a single elected Republican leader will come out and call the crazy con man a crazy con man. Try to imagine the reaction from anyone on Fox “News” or from Lindsay Graham or Mitch McConnell if Obama had even approached this level of complete lunacy. They would’ve had him in Bellevue. But Trump? We just continue to let him wander around with the football. Maybe he’ll nuke Denmark, who knows?!
And it’s only Wednesday
republicans have been getting away with the crazy fascism since Nixon, then Reagan brought the “aw shucks” act and the media fawned all over him, even tho’ his policies were unpopular. Nixon committed treason, undermining paris peace talks and Reagan did the same to Carter, with Iran-Contra. If we had followed up Carters energy initiatives in ’78, we might have a science based climate plan. Americans are just too damn dumb and our children and grandchildren will suffer because of our failure to stand up for truth. Sorry, I’m afraid the planet will slough off the virus that is mankind. Hold our loved ones close and hope Bernie or SP Warren will win election, I guess. In solidarity, George
The democrats are going to lose big in 2020
Children and grandchildren will suffer? Yes I’m scared for them too but I’m afraid will never make it to the election at this rate! Everyday Teflon Don gets more and more crazy. Will he get us in a major war or crash the economy first? Just what will it take for Pelosi to launch Impeachment?
Trump has a propaganda machine that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud. Just how much more will Americans take?
The U.S. is building thousands of intermediate nuclear missiles and nobody notices. This is the plan of the Zionist mass media. Obama started the development of the missiles and now Trump is building them. The world is going to become much more dangerous.