Not the Earth Day you were expecting, Truthseekers, say a few months ago. Ironically, the Earth has been recovering while humanity has been sheltering in place, not burning greenhouse gasses. As we have always said, the Earth will be fine – its humanity that might be purged, and now it’s happening. And it’s going to be happening a lot faster in Georgia and other southern states whose Republican governors care more about keeping unemployment payments to a minimum than the safety of their citizens.
Mike will discuss the mouth-breathing Brian Kemp and essential bowling alleys on the program tonight, with some Rapture Right Christian insanity for Church Night!
Keep it lit
It is as if the Earth is giving us a chance to reconsider our trashing it. We get a pandemic to stop the merry-go-round of for awhile. The skies clear up from the pollution due to human activity. It’s a brief but promising glimpse of what a fossil fuel-free civilization would begin to look like.
Happy 50th Earth Day Anniversary and Many More!!!
?An Engineer With a Conscience
Imagine this-
Buy a bottle of Corona beer.
Enjoy contents.
Rinse and fill with water.
Place an iris in that bottle.
Put it on your table.
After the orange orangutan suggested Americans should inject themselves with disinfectants to kill the coronavirus, someone should have yelled at him “That’s a great idea Mr. President! You go first!” https://www.vanityfair.cos-could-cure-coronavirus Which is crazier/scarier, Donny Doll Hands actually suggesting it or the fact that some people are stupid enough to do it just because trump suggested it? How have Americans become so STUPID that Lysol has to tell people not to inject their product?! I guess there is a lot of inbreeding in this country…….
Nowhere in his dementia damaged, syphilis ravaged, microscopic brain has Lil Donny Dotard figured out that he’s killing his own supporters by downplaying the dangers of Covid-19 or telling them to inject themselves with disinfectant. Everyone else has figured it out: The GOP is a death cult.
Thanks for the link, Dot. It’s a good read. So is the accompanying article about Alabama-born Mitch McConnell. He and Trump have a fiendish desire to impose Confederate rule over “Democrat” states. As Bob Kincaid pointed out, the Confederacy’s central government allowed its states to fend for themselves. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo rightfully rebutted McConnell, noting how states like his and California pay far more to the federal government than they take back. McConnell’s Kentucky does just the opposite.